Webinar: SHINGO – Deploying Ideal Behaviours

Category: Insights, Webinars
Reading time 1 minute(s)
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The Shingo Enterprise Excellence model focuses on the identification of Ideal behaviours that will enable your organisation to achieve sustainable ‘Ideal’ results. These behaviours must be supported by key systems within the business. But what does this really mean? How do we identify Ideal behaviours? Who identifies them? How do the Shingo Principles help in identifying Ideal behaviours? Do we need a behaviour for every principle? What if our behaviours have been far from the ideal in the past or even now?

In this informative practical based webinar, John Quirke, Shingo Alumni and Facilitator will help you answer these questions and point to a process by which you can begin to engage your whole organisation in discussions around ideal behaviours that are accepted and ‘truly lived’ in your organisation.

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