Staying Lean: Thriving, not just surviving

About the book

Co-authored by one of our team, Gary Griffiths, this highly acclaimed publication received a Shingo Research and Professional Publication Prize. The book explains how to create and sustain a Lean business, the basis of its research was to follow a key S A Partners client and highlight how through the application of the lean principles sustainable improvement can be achieved.

Staying Lean: Thriving not just surviving Peter Hines, Pauline Found, Gary Griffiths & Richard Harrison

Staying Lean: Thriving, not just surviving has just been awarded a Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence 2009, in the Research and Professional Publication category. The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence is named for Japanese industrial engineer Shigeo Shingo who distinguished himself as one of the world s leading experts in improving manufacturing processes. The Shingo Prize, established in 1988, recognizes organizations and research that is consistent with its mission and model. Staying Lean was developed as part of the SUCCESS (SUstainably Channelled Change at Every Scale and Situation) project that was funded by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) grant to Cardiff University Innovative Manufacturing Research centre (CUIMRC). The book draws on the story of a multi-national company that has successfully implemented Lean in its manufacturing and commercial areas to help turnaround the organisation s financial performance. The story is based around the Lean Iceberg Model of sustainable change and addresses the often invisible, and hard to copy, enabling elements of successful Lean Management in manufacturing organisations: Strategy and Alignment, Leadership, Behaviour and Engagement as well as the more visible features: Process Management and the application of Lean Technology, Value Stream Tools and Techniques. Staying Lean is designed to be used as a practical workbook to guide practitioners along their own Lean journey so that Lean becomes embedded in the organisation and sustains the performance improvements over the long-term; often enabling them to outperform low-cost economies and thus compete in a global marketplace.

Staying Lean Thriving not just surviving
Peter Hines, Pauline Found, Gary Griffiths & Richard Harrison
Cardiff Business School, Lean Enterprise
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