Join thousands of world class organisations in adopting the SHINGO Model and the SHINGO philosophy to support your journey to Operational Excellence. Shingo provides you with the methodology and framework to create sustainable and excellent results in your organisation.
As the largest SHINGO affiliate, we can support you with training; assessments and challenging for the Prize wherever you are in the world. S A Partners has been working with the SHINGO Institute since 2013 and has been awarded five SHINGO Publication Awards.

SHINGO as part of the Business Transformation Model

Shingo provides the framework and training for organisations and individuals to support their Operational Excellence Journey.

About the Shingo Model & Philosophy
1. Respect every individual
2. Lead with humility
3. Seek perfection
4. Assure quality at source
5. Flow and pull value
6. Embrace scientific thinking
7. Focus on process
8. Think systematically
9. Create consistency of purpose
10.Create value for the customers
2. Bridging the functional & cultural change gap by connecting the traditional technical approaches to improvement with the leadership and change management required.

Delivering Enterprise Excellence across the world.
Shingo Training & Workshops
The Shingo Institute has developed six workshops to support you in developing your understanding and capability to drive Enterprise Excellence within your organisation. The workshops include:

S A Partners delivers each of these courses virtually and face-to-face
"No goal, regardless of how small can be achieved without adequate training."
Taiichi Ohno
Shingo Journey Guide - 6 Steps
This looks at the steps you need to take before you challenge for the prize
Engage your leadership team and key stakeholders in the vision.
Identify Ideal Behaviours & Core Systems.
Focus on organisational engagement.
Most accredited facilitators
Worked with over 250 businesses so far
We are Shingo award winners
Excellent feedback score
Proven methodology to implement systems
Challenging for The Shingo Prize
The Shingo Model and the Shingo Prize are managed by Jon M Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University and are widely recognised as a benchmark for Enterprise Excellence.
S A Partners, the world’s largest affiliate, has supported organisations in their Excellence journey with the Institute since 1983, helping them build systems, skills, and capability for success globally.
Once you are ready to challenge we recommend the following steps:
1. Make your commitment
2. Take the Insight Survey
3. Build your Achievement Report
4. Submit and Prepare Your Team
5. Assessment and Celebration
6. Sustain Success