Enterprise Excellence Org Pulse Maturity Assessment Form

Enterprise Excellence Org Pulse Maturity Assessment

Assessment Details

Voice of the Customer

Voice of the customer provides pulls system. System innovation pushes new ways of working & products to market.


Why are we here? Where to play and how to win? How do we work together?

Enterprise Alignment

How does the organisation deploy strategy into their day to day? How do they deliver today and create tomorrow?

Process Management and Asset Lifecycle

How do we deliver value to our customers? How do our technology and assets support us in delivering customer value today and in the future?


How do we make small incremental daily improvements? How do we do step change? What is our process to integrate innovation into business as usual?

People Lifecycle

How do we ensure we have the right people with the right skills at the right level at the right time? How do we ensure we are providing the right support and opportunities to our team?

Team Engagement

How do does the organisation live their values? How do they deploy their structure into our organisation? How do they lead? How do they change and transform?

Sustainable Supply Chain

How does the organisation ensure they are doing business ethically and sustainably, minimising environmental impacts within the supply chain and the communities in which they operate?