Intro to SHINGO Workshop

Event category: Shingo, Webinars

‘People are the only organisational asset with and infinite ability to increase in value’ The Shingo Institute.

Join us for this virtual workshop to discover why so many of the world’s leading organisations are embracing Shingo and the Shingo Model for Enterprise Excellence.

The Shingo Model is a proven philosophy and framework to move organisations towards sustainable ideal results.

In this half workshop we will introduce the origin and core philosophy behind the Shingo Model. We will review the process of challenging for a Shingo Prize and review what Shingo examiners look for.

We will hear from companies who have been successful in achieving Shingo recognition, but more importantly have achieved significantly improved business performance and improved their sites standing with their corporate stakeholders.

The workshop will provide ample opportunities for Q&A and the sharing of experience.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand why successful companies are using Shingo.
  • What it can do for your organisation and how it can support growth.
  • Understanding of the Shingo Model and Behaviours.

Who is this for?

Senior Managers, Operational Directors

Why Attend?

It will help you:

  • Understand the benefits to your organsiation of Shingo, and how it can support and drive organisational transformation.
  • Understand how Shingo provides a more sustainable model than traditional TPS & WCM as it focuses on Behaviours

Organisations who have adopted the Shingo principles, have seen an increased level of success in areas such as Costs (increased revenue, reduced inventory, reduced lead times etc), Safety & Quality ( zero lost time for accidents, reduction in scrap, defects and non-conformance), On Time in Full & New Product Introduction (increases in OTIF by as much as 95% & NPI up to 100%).

More benefits of implementing Shingo can be found in our Shingo section.

graph showing 100% accomplished and 33% outstanding for the SHingo Discover Enterprise Excellence workshopcourse delvery
What have attendee’s thought of the Shingo Discover Excellence Workshop?
Attendee’s of our Shingo workshops have rated them very highly, with 98% having no hesitation in recommending them to colleagues.

  • 100% of all attendees rate our delivery as ‘Accomplished’.
  • 33% rate our delivery as Outstanding
  • 98% would recommend this course to a colleague

“Very good, enjoyed the course, looking forward to working on this in the future.”

“Very beneficial, thank you! Filled a gap in my understanding.”

“Challenging and excellent workshop, food for thought.”
A sample of companies who have attended the workshops:

Some of our Shingo Discover Excellence clients

Can’t make this workshop? Then fill in the form below to get notification of our next planned Shingo workshops[gravityform id=”24″ title=”false” description=”false” ajax=”false”]

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Free of Charge
Event start date:
26 March, 2025
Event start time:
Event end date:
26 March, 2025
Event end time:


John Quirke
John Quirke
Senior Partner: Head of the Life Sciences & Health Sector