Developing your TPM learning pathway

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Total Productive Maintenance Pathway

In the days before TPM an operator in conversation with his maintenance colleague might suggest albeit mischievously ‘I operate, you fix’, I add value, you cost so watch out my friend!’ In order to begin to change perceptions relating to the equipment and it’s operation and maintenance we need to create an ownership culture where maintainers and operators work closely together so that a conversation in the future might go’ I’m beginning to enjoy this TPM stuff where we are both taking ownership for this asset which is helping each other have a hassle-free shift because we are working smarter as a team. By approaching TPM as a system backed by a philosophy of curiosity and learning we encourage conversations based on learning by doing, problem solving and improving. Successful adoption of Total Productive Manufacturing (Asset Optimisation) within an organisation will drive significant benefits such as: Improved reliability and an increase in Overall Equipment Effectiveness; tangible reduction in accidents; defects, breakdowns and minor stops. It is therefore a fundamental component in an organisation’s journey to create Operational Excellence.

How then do you create the skills to make TPM, a reality within your organisation. To support you and your organisation with this, S A Partners has developed two learning pathways one for Individuals and the other for Organisations.

(1) The Individual TPM Learning Pathway includes:Introduction to TPM
This two-hour webinar includes a look at the core TPM principles and the 11 Step Model, it also includes team based learning and exercises½ day TPM Certified White Belt Certificate
Certified by the Cardiff University Lean Competency System (LCS); this two 2hr session workshop includes virtual workshops and team based activities, an assessment and feedback presentation.2-day TPM Masterclass
Through a series of virtual workshops and virtual site visits to a host site, this two day TPM Masterclass provides a deep understanding of TPM principles; organisational deployment; and insight into the 11 Step TPM Model. You will gain an understanding of how to assess your own assets and how to deploy TPM.(2) The Organisation-wide pathway includes:

  • 1 day Leadership Buy in -Linking TPM with strategy, vision. Key stakeholder planning and awareness of TPM system and governance process.
  • 2 Day scoping study-A loss profile of the pilot line to understand current state and identify potential opportunities. Measurement of the cultural temperature of the business via a perception survey of operators/maintainers and key contacts.
  • 4 Day TPM Interactive Workshop- To provide a thorough understanding of TPM and how to put it into practice through learning by To provide a framework and understanding for Facilitators to work in, and influence the behaviour of multi-disciplines, multi-interest teams.
  • 5 Day Advanced TPM workshop Advanced – To provide a thorough understanding of other tools and systems within TPM and how to put it into practice through learning by doing including Proactive use of FMEA in decision making ,Change Over Optimisation, Effective Centre Lining and Operator care steps 4- 7.

Without question TPM deployed well will add value to your customer, your team, and to your organisation. TPM will help you improve OEE, reduce costs, downtime and defects; it will improve health & safety in the workplace and ensure your team have better working conditions.

There are numerous case studies on TPM deployment available in our resources section, and also 7 white papers and other TPM related material including an exercise in the TPM section. We would also recommend you invest in the publication TPM: A foundation of Operational Excellence – available on AMAZON.

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