Explore / Control / Position: What’s the Difference and Why Should you Care?​

Category: Insights
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Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful organization. It’s not merely a tool for interaction; it’s the very essence of how we navigate challenges, share ideas, and collaborate. Yet, there are pitfalls to be aware of when it comes to communication.

The Pitfalls of Communication:

  1. Unconscious Communication: Often, we communicate without conscious thought, assuming that our words are having the desired impact. However, unintended consequences can arise when we don’t pause to consider the effects of our words.
  2. Diverse Communication Styles: People employ three distinct communication styles—Explore, Control, and Position—in unique and personalized ways. These styles can greatly influence the effectiveness of communication.
    • Explore: Used to ask questions that facilitate discussions, deepen understanding, or reveal new information.
    • Control: Used when providing instructions or information, making corrections or challenging for change.
    • Position: Employed to assert a point of view or simplify complex ideas.

Recognizing Communication Tendencies:

We all have communication tendencies, and sometimes these tendencies can hinder effective communication. For example:

  • Are you familiar with the person who dominates conversations with their opinions, leaving no room for others to contribute?
  • Have you encountered someone who bombards you with questions but divulges little about themselves, making conversations feel one-sided?
  • Or perhaps you’ve met someone who challenges or criticizes almost everything, making you want to avoid interactions with them.

These extremes can limit our impact and lead to unintended outcomes.

Unlocking Effective Communication:

So, what can you do to enhance your communication skills? Start by discovering your communication tendencies using the Voiceprint psychometric tool. This tool reveals your hidden communication biases—whether you’re an inquisitive asker, an assertive positioner, or a relentless controller and challenger.

Once you understand your communication preferences, consider how they align with your role and the outcomes you aim to achieve in your interactions.

Tailoring Communication to Your Goals:

For instance, if your role involves coaching, and you lean towards positioning communication, you may need to adjust your approach. Instead of providing answers, focus on asking more questions:

  • “Tell me more about your idea.”
  • “How do you plan to get started?”
  • “What obstacles do you anticipate?”

On the other hand, if your organization requires strict adherence to standard procedures, embracing the exploratory voice can lead to more variation. In this scenario, leaders with strong control voices can excel by setting clear expectations:

  • “Let’s revisit our workplace standards. We have a procedure for this; let’s refresh our knowledge and follow it.”

Communication is a powerful tool that shapes our professional lives. Understanding your communication preferences and adapting them to the situation can amplify your impact. The psychometric approach provides insights, while leadership development based on these insights enhances your communication skills, enabling you to achieve better outcomes in your daily interactions. Unlock the power of effective communication by mastering your Voiceprint.

Master your challenge voice with our upcoming webinar Speak to Lead: Embracing your Challenge Voice, Register for free here