Lean Skills

Creating the capability for individuals at all levels to continuously improve what they do is an essential element in creating sustainable organisational transformation. Lean is a proven methodology focused on minimising waste whilst maximising customer value which enables organisations to do this. By adopting lean principles, organisations will improve processes, reduce costs, and drive sustainable growth. We help organisations build capability, develop lean programs, but most importantly we help you build the behaviours that enable a culture of continuous improvement.

Lean Skills equip your teams with the skills to continuously improve systems, processes and tasks to deliver sustainable transformation.

Lean Skills
Creating the capability for individuals at all levels to continuously improve what they do

“The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize”

Shigeo Shingo

RGB Cardiff University Logo
The Shingo Prize

The world's most recognized Lean Qualifications​

By becoming accredited through the Lean Competency System, you become part of the worlds leading lean qualification with over 750,000 certificates being issued to improvement practitioners, across 50 countries in 10 different languages.

Transform the way your organization operates by equipping leaders, managers and team members with the skills that enable sustainable continuous improvement to happen, whilst ensuring people possess the capability to solve problems and improve what they do. 

All S A Partners trainers and coaches have certified LCS status and attend regular training and competency checks to maintain and improve course delivery standards.

Our programmes are aimed at improving the 6C’s;

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Cost Reduction
  • Compliance
  • Capability
  • Colleague Satisfaction
  • Capacity Optimization

It’s a balance between creating enabling capability and delivering tangible benefits for the orgnaisation.

Learn more about this through our case studies below, detailing more around how these benefits were delivered.

“Lean isn’t lean if it doesn’t involve everyone”

John Shook

Lean Certification & Training Courses

Through the S A Partners Academy, we offer many courses to support organizations develop and deploy Lean.

You can find more details on each course below:

LCS Level 1

LCS Level 2

“We improve by 1% every day. In just 70 days, you’re twice as good”

Alan Weiss

Our Lean Skills courses have been designed to equip Practitioners with the core skills of understanding the needs of the customer, to define purpose, engage and develop their people, who in turn align and continually improve processes.

Its much more than lean tools, our focus is equally spent on the dynamics of improvement as well as the mechanics. We cover how people think, participate, behave and interact.

Our belief is that true sustainable transformation at any level can only be achieved when the head, hearts and hands of our people all work together.

Enterprise Excellence

"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all"

Peter F. Drucker

Case Studies & Success Stories

Strategy Deployment at one of Europe's largest, branded Food Companies
Industry: Food and Drink, Manufacturing
Service: Business Transformation, Operational Excellence
Intercast & Forge
Supporting the Intercast & Forge 'New Ways of Working'
Revenue: AUS $ 69.82 million
Industry: Manufacturing, Process Industry
Service: Business Transformation, Operational Excellence
Customer logo 11 - Cook
Cook Medical
Developing a Lean Academy at Cook Medical
Revenue: US$ 2.2 billion
Industry: Life, Science & Health
Service: Business Transformation, Operational Excellence
viatris logo
Mylan (now Viatris)
Achieving Operational Excellence through TPM at Mylan (now part of Viatris)
Revenue: US$ 15.43 Billion
Industry: Life, Science & Health, Manufacturing
Service: Business Transformation, Operational Excellence, Shingo, Total Productive Manufacturing
panalpina logo
DSV A/S (Previously Panalpina)
Achieving the Shingo Prize at Panalpina
Revenue: £18.4 Billion
Industry: Aerospace & Defence, Retail & Distribution
Service: Business Transformation, Operational Excellence, Shingo
Inalfa Roof Systems
Roadmapping & Capability Building at Inalfa Roof Systems
Revenue: EUR 1.4 Billion
Industry: Manufacturing
Service: Business Transformation, Operational Excellence

“A bad system will beat a good person every time"

W. Edwards Deming

Resources and Blog

Lean Forum with Michael Bremer - Session 1 of 3
Case Studies
Welsh Water Leadership Development Programme awarded LCS Team Impact Award
Categories:Case Studies| Insights| News
S A Partners Reaccredited by LCS: A Testament to Excellence in Lean Competency
Visual Thinking Clinic 2 with Gwendolyn Galsworth

We support our customers around the world in every sector

To find out more, take our free Lean Awareness Course

Candidates, upon completion, will receive an LCS 1a awareness certificate and take their first steps towards becoming Yellow, Green or Black belts, Lean Practitioners, Team Leaders, Coaches or Master Coaches.

Online Course join form - 1A Lean Awareness

Get in touch

Looking to improve your business or if you are interested in any of our services? Fill in the form below and a member of our team will get in touch as soon as we can.

Contact Form